from WolfLodge Website
Sometimes in order to bring light to a subject it becomes
necessary to take a look through the portals of time.
If we know from whence we came, we can then determine to
where we are going and why. |
This discourse is about the
Ancient Lemurian bloodlines of the Aramu Muru. A legendary
bloodline that goes back many centuries to, terrestrial people known as the Aser, the Elder
This elder race
cohabitated the planet along with the hybrid children of the Anunnaki, who have been
here on the Earth plane for over 400,000 years (right: Images from
pre-Anasazi race found in cave in Utah)
Lemuria is actually the
name for the latter part of lands once known as, the Motherland of Mu. The
destruction of lands of Mu and its submergence was not a singular
incident, but a series of cataclysms, which had their beginnings about
35,000 years BCE. After the initial devastation had its way, many of the
landmasses that comprised MU were lost.
However much of
the lands remained and would become rebirthed as Le-mu-ria.
Today parts of the Western coast line of the United States and
Canada. From Mt. Shasta up through BC, Canada would be the lands that were
a part of the original motherland of MU.
This would have
been the northern most mountaintops’ of Lemuria.

There is land
in those islands, for instance Turtle Mountain on Orcas Island, which
defies any type of testing science has attempted for determining its age.
I have seen the scientists come and go for many years now.
are tunnels located in the San Juan Islands that upon entering one could
end up in Hopi Land, in Arizona. The Islands in and around the San Juan
Islands off the Washington state coast going all the way up the coast
lines of Vancouver Island, show obvious signs that the land was simply
raised from the ocean floors some 5,000 years ago.
After initially
three periods of destruction, what was left of Mu was rebirthed as
Lemuria. However, there were a few problems, which developed. During the
periods of destruction, it became necessary for many of the Lemurians, and
their Celestial relatives to remain underground for
extended periods merely for matters of safety; as the Earth Changes were
unlike anything known by a hu-man species before.
This is part of
what caused such extensive development of the legendary underground tunnel
systems, which do actually exist. Help was sought from the factors that
settled in Atlantis to deal with the large reptilian animals that overran
the land, upon returning to the surface world. (right: Pre-Anasazi ruins
The Atlanteans were a very scientific and intellectual
people, with little regard for the natural laws of cause and effect. The
Atlanteans were a Patriarchal society, and the Lemurians were a
Matriarchal society, their philosophies as well as their perceptions being
constantly at odds.
The Atlantaens were as well obsessed with the
acquisition of ever increasing levels of power and control over nature,
and if possible the Earth herself. This carries over into a blatant
recklessness regarding their experiments. Their attempts to harness the
Earths energies, at one point caused a complete tear in the membrane of
the Earths atmosphere itself. This tare in the fragile living membrane
occurrence was much like the ozone layer is behaving
today, the membrane was spreading of its own accord, causing rips in the
time space continuum.
This allowed for thin spots or holes as it
were to appear in the membrane. Once it was realized what was occurring it
was too late, there was no way to slow the process, as they had little
knowledge of that kind of science.
there were leaks from the layers that separated the dimensions; allowing
life forms from many different dimensional expressions to enter not only
into the Earth plane, but also into all manner of expressions of life
forms thereon, including humans, and animals that dwelled upon her.
The final breakup of the lands of Lemuria, occurred in and
around the same time as the breakup of the Red Lands of
Atlantis. The Atlanteans continued to experiment with technologies to
exploring the various uses of both Laser, and Nuclear
energies, regardless of the laws of cause
and effect. This further aggravated the natural order and balance of
things The consequences of their unchecked experiments, we know all to
well. (right: Mayan glyph of Mayan K'cotal priest
attending Atlantean Rocket)
Then around 10,000 to 12,000
years ago BCE the Atlanteans began experimenting with the core of the
Earth itself, from within the inner systems of tunnels that connected
various parts of the planet. Tunnels that had been as we stated earlier
constructed many millions of year’s prior by the elder race.
experiments, which occurred deep with the Earth’s core, would ultimately
have disastrous effects.
As well, their unrestrained use of laser
technology in the upper atmosphere was beginning to have effects of its
own. At one point what had occurred to the ‘Light Membrane’ by which
consciousness itself could connect to this dimension, began to occur to
the physical atmosphere, and Earth faced a total ecological breakdown.
This caused the very clouds to literally fall from the heavens and usher
in what is spoken of in the sacred texts as the great flood.
atmosphere, the cloud cover, which had kept us for eons in a protective
and prolific green house environment, suddenly could not sustain itself
and life forms transformed accordingly. The clouds themselves collapsed,
and the nature of the climate and the planet was now altered forever. The
clouds would then become part of the Oceans of our water world, and their
size would increase dramatically. This sudden inflow of water from the sky
caused the submerging of inconceivably large areas of the landmass.
This type of cataclysmic activity also caused enormous stress on
the tectonic plates themselves, which resulted in their breaking apart.
This would
result in at least in part, the sudden disappearances of many land masses,
and the shifting of whole continents, from one latitude and longitude of
the globe to another; as we can see in the separation of Africa from North

Huge face of bearded man found on mountain side in
Peru - age undeterminable.
At some point
when the Elder Races realized the certain events were going to be
inevitable, and the destruction could not be averted, it would be
necessary to take drastic measures to save something, or loose everything.
No doubt there, were many meetings between the wisdom counsels
that existed it those times amongst the Elder Races about what to
do, or if anything could be done at all. Everything that had been created;
all the glory of millions of years of evolution was about to vanish from
the annals of time. As well, they fore saw that this problem might spread
throughout our solar system, perhaps even the Universe.
If this
occurred the memories of untold millions of beings throughout the Galaxy
could be totally wiped clean from the Akashic Records.
Saga of the Lords of MU
The legend goes
that just before the final destruction of Lemuria, Sanat Kumara,
grandfather to the Solar Brotherhood assigned his heir Aramu
Muru and 12 other "Serpentine Lords" to take the records and power
objects of the Amaru to various parts of the world for safekeeping.
These beings
were the hybrid children of the Annunaki and the Elder
Earth race of the Aser.

Aramu Muru Kings, and their servants from the stars,
depicted on rock wall in the American Rockies.
Notice they had swords, Crowns, and armor (not very
Native American), neither is the geometry
These groups or
‘Rings’ as they were called would later become known in our history as
founding genetic lines or clans, with origins back to the ‘Root Race’ or
the Elder Race, an original Earth Race.
These rings
were placed in each culture.
Societies of the Seven Rays Solar Brotherhood:
1. Nagas (Serpents in Sanscrit) of
Indus (India). 2. The earliest Mayans and their
first Serpent kings, Caramaya and Naga Maya
3. Later the Serpentine Kings Kukulcan and
Quetzalcoatal creating the Itza Maya Culture of South America.
4. The Lung Dragons of China, and an
interesting fact is that an ancient Chinese term for dragon was
Amarus and Con Ticci Viracocha of Peru.
6. The Zohar is said to have passed from
Adam to Noah and then to Abraham, who immigrated to
Egypt. The Zohar or the Books of Splendor – were the Original
texts of the Kabbalah. An earlier priest cult in Egypt was
specifically formed to take care of the Royalty that went by the title
of “ Messah’ or Crocodile Lords, who also lay claim to the
Adam or Amen (Sun King) as being their Kamara. The early
Egyptians who built the pyramids were called the Naga, which may
be due to the influence of ...
The Olmec returning to North Africa from the lands of the
Maya. 8. The Azteca who absorbed the cultures and
religions of Meso-America had the goddess Coatlcue she wore a skirt of
snakes, she is often depicted as having two dragon heads.
9. In the mythology of Sumeria the goddess
Tiamat in her fury would destroy all who challenged her. All that is,
but the Babylonian sun god, Marduk. In a celestial battle which
took place in the heavens, Marduk slew Tiamat. Then, from Tiamuat’s
dismembered body, he fashioned the heavens and the earth. From her
dragon’s blood Marduk created man. 10. Nidhogg is said
to be the Dragon Father of an underground world known by the
Norse as Niflheim.
The other
'Rings,' are unknown, (although not entirely) and have been lost to
Myth and Legend. Possibly they are in the North lands
(I will
predict the evidence of such a civilization will be found by the first
generation born to the 21st Century; as well the rediscovery of
lands around the North and South Poles that will reemerge not only into
our conscious awareness but actually be physically rediscovered.)
Other truths embedded in the labyrinth of Mythical Legends such
Methusala who was brought into the order of dragon
priests as a youth which accounted for his extremely long life. The
order of Melchisedec, was rumored to have many dragon lords.
mythical Merlyn of Arthurian legend became a dragon wizard in
his twenties and probably became a dragon lord. His most powerful
magic drew from the Earth’s own life force through the symbiotic
relationship with the dragons of the underworld. Remember it was this
same Merlyn who made the embracing of the New Christianity, by
the Druid official with the Marriage of Arthur to Quenivere.
In Native
American mythology there was a counsel of dragon priests that convened
in the Black Hills area of the Dakotas a thousand or so years
before the return of the younger brothers and the age of conquest.
Their council dispersed teachers, throughout the Native nations to
activate certain ancient ceremonies.
mission to the tribes was to establish a wise and prudent relationship
that fostered a sustainable ecology; along with a stable social and
intertribal Spiritual structure that respected the ecosphere, and
considered seven generations with each action one took in their lives.
The behavior of the ordinary actions of the tribes were often
monitored by ‘Thunder beings,’ a powerful Draconian
force that interacted with the Earthlings through the two
horned and one horned priests that came from the heavens in flying
orbs of light.
Royalty also seems to have their share of ‘Secret Dragon
Societies,' one being the Dragon Sovereignty, known as the ’Rex
Deus’ fraternity. The Rex Deus was formally created by the Holy
Roman Emperor Sigmund, having its origins with the Knights
Templar during the 12th Century. It is the story of the
Knights Templar, and a behind-the-scenes society called the Prieure de Sion, and
its involvement in reinstating descendants of the Merovingian bloodline
into political power
They lay
claim to the bloodlines of Yeshua ben Yoseph,
otherwise known as the Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Later in
Scotland the Royal House of Stewart also made such claim to the
Holy Grail bloodline. There are records that affirm the fact that the
bloodline entered Britton trough Yoseph of Arimathea, and
James, brother to Jesus (Yesus) ~Sananda, who
came to Glastonbury, along with the children of Jesus and Magdalene.
(Sir Laurence Gardner, Bloodlines of the Holy
One thing
that has to be taken under consideration with this tale of the
Bloodlines of the Holy Grail is that many historical documents
do exist to support it. It is no longer a question of concocted myth.
There is one problem with Europeans, a problem which has continued
since the first arrival of Columbus, nothing exists beyond
their scope of perception, has sanctioned historical beliefs. Beliefs
which have continuously been found out over the centuries to be
contrived, and heavily edited translations of what actually occurred.
In future
presentations we will explore the sacred books of the Inca and
the Maya such as the Chilam Balam, which
speak of the Christos, and the ancient brotherhood. As well
make continuous references to their having been a very real Pale
One might put themselves at ease about this matter,
if they took the time to find out that there was no such a term as
'Christian,' until the term was created by the Emperor
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, at Antioch when he
needed to name the group responsible for the revolt in Syria, that was
going on. In that time the first church called 'Christian' was formed
by Peter the Apostle in 37 AD. Prior to that the followers of the
'Radical' teachings of the Nazarene were looked upon as and
called 'Jews' and their symbol was Essene.
The symbol
of the Fish , was actually a symbol the linked back to the
'Fisher Kings,' and the ancient brotherhoods of the past. The
ancient mystery schools which Yeshua was a part of. The fish
symbol is very old and has been used for millennia worldwide as a
religious symbol associated with the Great Mother Goddess. This
simple design was easy to draw and used by early followers of the
teachings of the apostles, the ancient Nasorean 'Way' of Yeshua Ha Mashiakh
(Jesus the Messiah) before there was a formal 'Church' established at
Antioch, by Peter. There were two branches of Essenes - the
Ossaeans and the Nasorean. The southern Ossaeans were
known as the B'nai-Zadok, or "Children of Zadok." The northern
Nasorean were known as the B'nai-Amen, or "Children of
Returning to the Saga of The Aramu Muru
Muru in the final days of Lemuria established the Rings of each
of the Children of the Sun. With each individual Ring there was then
appointed a circle comprising of 13 priests, and 13 priestesses, one head
figure became the elected symbolic spiritual leader or Aramu.
Muru for the men and Aramu Mayu for the women; and thus began
the Legends of the Ring Lords.
Each Ring that was chosen was then
instructed to take their records of ancient wisdom to their respective
regions and hide the items at specific locations, deep within the chambers
of ancient mountains; until it was the time of the Awakening!
These individuals were faithful in their belief, and wise in their
understandings of the original teachings. Each had been close to the great
and wise Sanat Kumara, the Kumara, the father. (Not as in Father God,
rather oldest remembered Relative. The First Kumara the
Later, it is recorded that a similar event
occurred on Atlantis with certain descendents of these original serpentine
lords, ‘the Sons of One’ who were chosen to take the Atlantean
records and teachings to the delegated pan-Atlantic territories. They
established several colonies, among these locations were,
School of Pythagoras
Temple of Delphi
School of Amen, Egypt, where the well-known Emerald
Tablets were said to be amongst these ancient records brought
there, and buried beneath the
It is said that
later, after the decline of the society in Egypt, the Emerald Tablets were
taken from their resting place by non other than Nefertiti, Queen
to Akhenaten who was a Kumara and schooled in the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, to the Halls of Records in the
Yucatan. There they remain waiting to this day in safe keeping!

Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti, and their daughters,
seated in front of the great Solar disk of the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays,
the Sons of One on Atlantis.
Rebelled against the whole of the Priesthood of Amon,
stating there was one supreme God, Aten-
Akhenaten received his
teachings in the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, in a secret school
that is known to be in the Andes Mountains. (which is why there are so
many archaeological artifacts here in the Americas, that show a direct
connection to Egypt)
There are those
that hold to the belief that this school was the ancient university of Machu Picchu, others argue
that it was Tiahuanaku, the famed city of
the sun. No records oral or otherwise have survived which designate which
location it may have actually been. Perhaps those records are still to be
These records were to remain in cloistered solitude,
until there was a sign was to seen in the heavens, a sign that would be
unmistakable, and born of Source itself, telling those who remained true
to the original covenants and teachings that the brotherhood would begin
the process of awakening.
That sign in fact was realized, and
scientifically documented, though perhaps unknowingly, by the SOHO-LASCO Satellite in
April of 2001.
The long
slumber of the indigenous masters and the process of mankind awakening
from their sleep of forgetfulness was at long last over, and the process
of ‘the Awakening’ had begun.
The Great Solar Cross - As it appeared in the Heavens
SOHO- LASCO photo taken in April of 2001 (NASA)

The descendants
of this original Solar Brotherhood established by Sanat
Kumara have become known through recorded legend and Myth as the
Kumara. In European mythology, they are the Great White
It is said the
Sanat Kumara himself is the direct descendent of the original Kumaras who
came along with the Hathors, to Earth from Venus.
The Adepts known
as the Kumara, were and remain a highly mystical order of the Great Solar
Brotherhood. The term Kumara has in our contemporary understandings come
to mean "the androgynous serpentine beings." Although it translates more
accurately to ‘Father,' those of the Elder Race.
You can
find references to the Kumara the shining ones, in the Hindu
Puranas where they are described as being the first teachers of
Tantra Yoga on the Earth, and the descendents of Ti and
Tiye. As well there are numerous references to 'the shining ones'
(Elohim) in the Bible and the Koran.
Theosophists having their roots in and foundation teachings of the likes
of Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and
Krishnamurti, who refer to the Kumara as their beloved founders. The
Theosophists also claim that Sanat Kumara himself has remained on
Earth for thousands of years, as an Ascended Master.
In the lands
of the Naga Maya these serpentine priests of the Kumara became known as
the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans, later the Azteca would call their
Emperors the Montezuma’s (image right is Mayan). Then we have the Djedhi
(the "Stable Serpents") of Egypt with their lineage of the “Messah or
princes of the Crocodile kings, the Druid Adders of Britain, and the
Dactyloi of Greece.
It is interesting to note that wherever these
Kumara Priest Kings, Priests of the Dragon Lords born of Lemurian and
Atlantean cultures; they built temples aligned with our sister planet
Venus the bright and morning star and the planet itself became associated
with saviors and the immortals.
In the Bible says:
Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in
the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright
and morning star"
Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16
The Pale
Prophet, Quetzalcoatl, told those who
followed his teachings that he would return after 'Five full cycles of the
Morning Star.' (Chilam Balam) The Morning
Star is of course Venus, which plays a very big part in Amerindian
Spirituality of the Americas. The Venus Calendar is the main factoring
equation upon which all the Incan, and Mayan and Hopi
Prophecies are calculated.
Christians must read through the myriad of versions of the New
testament, which make claim to be the 'True' teachings of the
Christ. They must endeavor to find the 'Root,' or the 'Original"
meaning of terminologies from the original texts. Keeping in mind that
the first texts were themselves interpretations of the original Aramaic
tongue, transcribed into Greek. The Roman's then took those texts and
transcribed them into 'Common Latin.' and the editing has continued unto
the present. Each generation losing some essence.
There is a way
that this can be accomplished with direction. Read the KJV (King
James's Version) and follow the transcriptions to them meanings in
'Webster's Dictionary-Unabridged.' Good old King James realized that the
Hounds of Rome were upon him and thus created a way that the original
texts and their meanings would not be lost to future generations. Now
you know part of the secret! You do not have to listen to someone else's
The prophet
Daniel recorded his vision of Sanat Kumara, whom he called "the Ancient of
Book of
Daniel: Chapter 7
"I beheld till the thrones were
set in place, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white
as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne was
like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire. (His chakras.)
"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousand
thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood
before him.
"I saw in
the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the
clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they (members of
the Brotherhood) brought him (Jesus) near before him.
"And there
was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations
and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be
And so, not only does Daniel
foresee Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, but also he sees the son of man
(Jesus) manifest before him, as He (Jesus) is embraced into the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays.
The Sacred
texts tell us that Aramu Muru himself became the first Solar priest king
of the Incas and was thereafter known among his adopted people as Manco
Kapac. Ka-pac. This means “spiritually abundant “ or “ keeper of the
Serpent Wisdom”.
Interesting is that in the down line of these
serpentine Priest- Kings and their Royal Lineages there seems to have
denoted subtlety the connection to their serpentine wisdoms by including
the K sound in their names, such as Kumara, Christ (pronounced
Krist), Krishna, Kukulcan, Amarushka, K’ Cotal)
The Solar
Following his
coronation ceremonies in Peru, Manco Kapac took one of the power
objects stored within the Temple of the Seven Rays, the great Solar
Disc, and hung it within the main temple of the Incas, the Intiwasi,
which was built in Cuzco, Peru.
This Solar Disc had previously
hung within a temple of the Brotherhood on Lemuria and was an
important symbol of the re-establishment of the organization. By hanging
it within the Intiwasi, Manco officially established the connection of the
Kumara to the Solar Brotherhood of Peru. Later, after the Spanish invaded
Peru, the Solar Disc was returned to the Temple of the Seven Rays for
safekeeping where it remained until the Harmonic Convergence in
Which although
was not covered by the New York Times was a major world event, that
included the participation of literally hundreds of thousands of People
world wide.
Mayo- The Holy Mother-Pacha Mamma
It is said that in 1987 a ceremony took place at the ancient
temple site where upon the Earthly throne of the Kumara, represented by
the Great Solar Disk of Aramu. A young Native Woman was given the
ancient scepter of the Aramu, signaling the shifting of energies back into
the seat of the Goddess, Gaia, the Holy Mother, Pacha Mama, the Aramu
Mayo, the Queen of Angels.
This was also symbolic of the
shifting of the planet through chaos of rebirth, back into balance of the
Alpha and Omega. The serpentine energies of Pacha-Mama, and her
daughters would once again regain their place of honor, and authority in
the matrix of social awareness. The consciousness of HU-manity would then
be able to once again open to the awareness of the Mother of us all, and
the mother within us all.
Today we see a lot of attention being
played out in the final days by the Great Blind Patriarchy. All
measures are taken to not discuss or allow to be discussed the
emergence of the feminine ray, and the return of the Mother Goddess
to political power as well as Spiritual power.
Besides the
revealing of the bigger picture in Jesus-Sananda’s life, and of
his being here in the Americas, which comes along with the true
understanding of the Solar Brotherhood; the matter of the Holy Mother may
be the second most important issue that threatens the revealing of what is
found at so many sites here in the Americas. For near on 2.500 years this
war against the Goddess, the Holy Mother, has been ongoing.
Presently, many await the ONE who will bring it forth and call the
re-embodied Brotherhood and Sisterhood to Awaken and Unite for the Great
Emergence of the Fifth Solar Cycle! The Inca await the return of
the Aramu, while Mayans await the return of Quetzalcoatl, while many true
believing Christians await the Second Coming of the Christ. Yeshua Ha Mashiakh -
(Jesus the Messiah).
Isn't it funny
all of them waiting for the same thing, thinking that each of them has a
secret the other doesn't know.
The Spiritually Rich and very
ancient Inca heritage, descendents of the gods, those who came from the
stars, children of the Kamara, Aramu Muru, children of the Christos,
Children of the Sun. It is also not a coincidence that the Prophecies of
both the Maya, and the Inca are based upon the Venus Calendar!
being known as Aramu Muru, is attributed with establishing many sacred
sites that have been rediscovered today throughout the Incan Empire, Manco
Kapac and the Kapac Cuna, members of the Solar Brotherhood from Lemuria,
built megalithic temple complexes throughout Peru, such as Tihuanaco,
Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. These sites and some of the
ancient libraries they hold are being re-discovered as far north as the
Rocky Mountains, and well into Canada.
These sites according to the Incan
and Mayans were once paces of interaction between the Children of Earth,
and visiting relations from the Stars, as well as members of a Galactic
Brotherhood who interacted with our ancestors here on Earth as one can
plainly evidence at the great landing strips of the NAZCA LINES in Peru.
We know today that the wisdom of these Solar Brotherhoods at least
in part was passed down through the Royal lineages of Inca priest kings of
Peru to other cultures here in the Americas who interacted with the
ancient High Priests and Priestesses of the Aramu and their descendants.
A particular branch of these Kumara became known as the Viracocha,
who were the hybrid children of the Aramu. They were said to be very tall,
perhaps twice the size of a human of the 21st century; having
reddish hair, and blue or green eyes. (This is documented in the journals
of the Conquistadores). Throughout their history, the emperors of the
Viracocha were always associated with the serpent, and with possessing the
knowledge of the Dragon Lords.
Some of these Priest Kings
included the Quechuan name for serpent, Amaru (Aramu), within their royal
titles, such as was the case with the last Inca Emperor Sayri Tupac Amaru,
Sayri Tupac’s father Manco Capac, who opposed submission to the Spanish
Conquest was assassinated by Spanish Soldiers, who were revolting against
The young Sayri Tupac who was but 5 years old witnessed
this act, and was taken off to be placed in a monastery. Tupac, was not of
legendary height of his ancestors however he was tall for an Inca, and
taller than most Spaniards. Sayri Tupac, was raised by the Church and
fashioned into a perfect example of “a Good Inca.”
In 1561
according to Spanish Journals that were kept by one of Pizarro’s generals,
one morning Sayri Tupac Amaru was found poisoned, at his temple,
sitting in his throne. There were no heirs therefore, unfortunately, Sayri
Tupac, was the last of his line. After his death, the Spanish killed what
was left of his family, and any access to historical records was lost.
There are
many new discoveries being made at this time regarding the ancient
records of the Inca, as well as the Maya, and those who
came before them. Until as recently as the end of the twentieth century
no one had any idea what it was they were finding.
There was no
direction, no references, and most of what was found was absconded by
treasures hunters, and those who desired to keep the information under
wraps, hidden from the public.
With God’s
Grace, the information, and no doubt priceless knowledge will be able to
be shared with the world shortly, that the truth might set us free.
In the Light
Rev Dr.
Robert Ghost Wolf

Some of the ancient texts found in the American
These were not supposed to be here also.
Truth can be stranger than fiction.